Gap Year 30 Student is a FREE thirty day email series
One month of daily emails and homework assignments you’ll be excited to complete!
Tired of learning just for the sake of learning? Ready to ditch the books, schedules and bland, 4-wall classrooms for a more scenic classroom – the real world?! Our step-by-step guide is made with the student in mind. We’ll teach you how to create the best Gap Year possible, giving you insight on how to take it from a whiteboard to a boarding pass.
This course covers the basic topics, like where to go, what to see, how much it will cost, and how to save the money to do it. You’ll also get advice for how to tell your parents (and get them on board!), finding your tribe, choosing the best credit cards and banks for travel, and preparing for your first week on the road, among others. Complete all homework assignments, and your reward will be much more fulfilling than a piece of paper!