Author: Sean Keener


Search a Multi-Stop Route

Updated Summer, 2017

Planning a RTW (round the world) trip is a time consuming process, and for the first time RTW traveler, it can seem overwhelming. But if you follow BootsnAll’s 7 Steps to Planning a RTW Trip, you can set your worries aside and be well on your way to setting off on that trip of a lifetime. Each step has multiple articles to help get you on the road!

Step 1 – Your Why and Where To Begin

Once you finally take that leap and make the decision to travel long-term, panic often sets in. You have a million questions you want answered. Slow down and realize that everything can and will fall into place. Step 1 takes you through the very beginning stages of planning your trip and sets the foundation for the rest of the planning process.

Step 2 – Money – Saving Tips and Figuring Out Costs

Figuring out how much this whole thing is going to cost can be a stressful experience. Your first budget step is thinking about where to go. Step 2 takes you through the necessary processes of estimating how much this whole thing might cost you.

Step 3 – Your Route, Plane Tickets, and Your Job

You no doubt already have a list of some sort in your head with all the places you want to visit, but unless you are traveling for an unlimited amount of time and with an unlimited budget, you’re most likely going to have to make some tough decisions. Step 3 takes you through the process of prioritizing, planning that route, and thinking about things like flights, your job, and immunizations.

Step 4 – Travel Details

When planning a trip around the world, there are all types of big ticket items you have to be aware of and think about. But there are also smaller details that have to be on your mind. Step 4 takes you through the little things.

Step 5 – Gear and Packing

The idea of carrying everything you need on your back (or rolled behind you) for an extended trip, whether it be a few months or a few years, is quite the daunting task. That’s why we’ve put together multiple resources for you to assist. Step 6 is all about making the right decisions for youas far as gear, what to take, and how to pack it all.

Step 6 – Pre-Trip Considerations/To-Do’s

There are several things that you simply have to take care of and think about before leaving- like visas, automating your bills, and getting rid of your housing. Step 6 covers all that and more.

Step 7 – Getting Ready for Life on the Road

The final step has you thinking and preparing for life on the road. Complete this step, have a going away party, pack your bags, and go!

Be sure to read and download our Master RTW Checklist to tick off all your to-do’s.

Search a Multi-Stop Route