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Author: Sean Keener

Christchurch, New Zealand

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Australasia & the South Pacific: Round-the-World Travel Destinations

Budget Scale: 1-5

1-least expensive; 5-most expensive
4– Christchurch, and most of New Zealand for that matter, are definitely on the expensive side. You can get by on the cheap if you really try hard, but you’ll be limited as far as activities, which is what New Zealand is famous for.

Indie Travel Scale: 1-5

1-not a good Indie Travel destination; 5-a great Indie Travel destination
3– Christchurch isn’t going to have you feeling much culture shock if you come from a western, English speaking country, but you’ll still have plenty of opportunity for indie travel experiences if you visit.
Indie Travel Tips
Follow these tips to have a truly indie travel experience in Christchurch and New Zealand.

  • Use Christchurch as your base of travels for the rest of the south island.
  • If you are going to have your own wheels while in New Zealand, ask a local about the Inland Scenic Route and take it as you head south out of Christchurch. It very well may be the most beautiful drive you’ll ever take.
  • Want some delicious and cheap fish and chips? Head to City Fish and Chips in the middle of Christchurch for this old school meal wrapped in yesterday’s newspaper.
  • Instead of hopping on one of those tourist buses, get your own wheels and explore on your own and at your own pace.

Why you should add Christchurch to your RTW travel list

  • See some sheep, lots of sheep, 30 million plus sheep
  • Christchurch is the gateway to South Island of New Zealand and many of it’s
    natural wonders
  • Take a Helicopter over Glaciers near Mount Cook
  • Bungee jump in Queenstown
  • Visit the International Antarctic Centre for a close look at the Great White
  • Learn more about Maori culture at the Nga Hau E Wha National Marae.
  • Settle in for some whale watching at Kaikoura.
  • Hang out in Cathedral Square and listen to the wisdom of the Wizard of

Why you should not add Christchurch to your RTW travel list

  • It can be pretty pricey compared to other destinations you may add to your RTW trip.
  • While Christchurch is beautiful and the people are great, it can be underwhelming to the rest of the country.

Are you heading to Christchurch? What do you need to do?

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