Author: BootsnAll

The Indie Travel Manifesto

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We released the Indie Travel Manifesto with Rolf Potts in February 2012, and it has been a guiding post/filter for us since then. We have dedicated everything we do to align with Indie Travelers, long-term travel, and folks who relate to the Manifesto. As we work on our newest reboot of Bootsnall, we’re exploring what it means to be an Indie Traveler all over again.

Since 2012…

And much more… as well as more to come. Stay tuned!

Check it out again. It stands the test of time.

Indie Travel Manifesto

Narrated by: Rolf Potts; Music by: Mokhov – Halcyon Days; Photos by: Evan Cohan, Olivia Raymer, Adam Seper, and Jessica Spiegel


Read it on the homepage in statements or via the download page and the pretty PDF.


Give your favorite few statements votes up or ones that you don’t like thumbs down.


Love or hate a particular statement? Add your thoughts to the page on that value.


If this statement makes you cry because you are not living the life you want to, sign it and make a change. Or if you just relate to it and think…”Rolf and BootsnAll pretty much nailed it,” sign it.


We’d appreciate you sharing via the normal vehicles that we have all come to love and hate. Add your own thoughts about them as you share. We are listening.


We’ve talked to countless Indie Travelers over the past few decades. Maybe you have a statement of value that could be included in a future version of the ITM. Submit it. We want to hear.


If you are an Indie Traveler, or want to be one, we LOVE you. And we are working our arses off to serve you and make a meaningful connection with you. We hope that you LOVE us back. (Check out all the stuff we’ve built over the past 16 years….most of it is for you)


I look forward to your comments and to align with the folks that love this. If you don’t, that’s cool. BootsnAll is probably not the right place for you. Freedom of choice. I want you to find your path, mate, no matter if it’s here or someplace else.


Co-Founder and CEO
BootsnAll Travel Network

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