Author: Dani Blanchette

The Best of 30 Days of Indie Travel

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We know the 30 Days of Indie Travel Art Project is over, but we had so much fun getting to know you all and making connections with like-minded travelers, that we wanted to highlight our month of fun one last time.

We had so many great submissions throughout the month of April, we decided to showcase our favorite post and tweet from each day.

So without further ado, here is the Best of the #Indie30.

Day 1.  A Changing World View

Best Post: @CannoliColieHow Travel Has Ruined Me.   And in all the best ways.

Best Tweet: @ConfusedJulia


Day 2.  You’re Travel Origin

Best Post: @GloriousCuriousChild Detectives Sent Me Overseas, where she admits, “I decided I would be a traveler because of five fictional children and their jet-setting adventures.”

Best Tweet: @ChewyTravels


Day 3:  You’re Travel Style

Best Post: @lindseyhodderOn Travel Styles.  Travel is unique and she made her own travel style infographic manifesto.

Best Tweet: @DaraMDenney


Day 4: Overland Travel

Best Post: @spankyandsarahCribs: Campervan Edition.  We love this MTV Cribs style spoof of the campervan they travel in.

Best Tweet: @BudgetTrvlTalk


Day 5:  Your Other (Non-travel) Passion

Best Post: @filipachatillonAula Ragga/Dancehall.  She showed us her other passion with this youtube video of her with her actual dance troop.

Best Tweet: @loismiddleton


Day 6: Saving Money

Best Post:  @cselkieHow To Pay For It?.   This is a great post on how to save money to travel, even when living below the poverty level.  (No excuses!)

Best Tweet: @AnanyaTales

— Ananya (@AnanyaTales) April 7, 2014


Day 7:  You’re Packing Style

Best Post:  @NellouBackpack Travel.   Nellou shows us her style by unpacking her actual backpack in this cute Youtube video. 

Best Tweet: @DelishDirection


Day 8: Worst Travel Experience

Best Post: @BurkhartAndreaOrigins-A Lesson Injustice.  This is a powerfully moving story about an incident that unfolded involving them, a thief, the police, and an unfortunate innocent boy. 

Best Tweet: @MarjiStevens


Day 9: Best Travel Experience

Best Post: @4WornPassportsNo Regrets! Bungee Jumping in New Zealand.   That’s right.  Do what you fear and fear can’t win! 

Best Tweet: @slomadstravel


Day 10: Strangest Food You’ve Eaten

Best Post: @CannoliColie – Iceland:Expect the Unexpected.   Icelandic food sounds like a strange, interesting brew we now want to try! 

Best Tweet: @BoboandChichi


Day 11: Misbehaving

Best Post: @goingnomadic Stupidest Things I’ve Done While Traveling.  Yes, sneaking into the back of a zoo to pet a lion is not smart, but makes a great video story. 

Best Tweet: @travelnavywife


Day 12: Random Acts of Kindness

Best Post: @TaraLowryPhoto – Have you ever been helped by a total stranger when traveling?  And sometimes that stranger is a dog whose life you saved. 

Best Tweet: @womenontheroad


Day 13:  Foreign Language

Best Post: @withoutalicense –  Languages (And how Much I Suck At Them).  Being bilingual in two opposing languages, learning something like Spanish should be easy.  But not to her, and this video is hilarious!

Best Tweet: @surbhiarora330


Day 14:  Travel Poetry

Best Post: @chris2xFlanders Field Revisted – My Thoughts on Remembrance Day in Flanders.  Chris writes a poem about a place that has a famous poem written about it.  But his version does Flanders just as much justice. 

Best Tweet: @furnessmk


Day 15:  Travel in Asia

Best Post: @travelnavywife – If you Could Pick Any Country in Asia to Visit, Which Would it be and Why?   We loved the countries she picked, because they are more off the regular path.

Best Tweet: @BudgetTrvlTalk


Day 16: Europe Travel

Best Post: @yqtravelling  – What city in Europe would you like to visit the most?  We never said that your dream destination had to be real….

Best Tweet: @ManRuiTian


Day 17:  USA Travel

Best Post: @withoutalicense ‘Murica!  And she explains it perfectly with, “What I love most about America is that it you can go to all 50 states and have 50 different experiences”. 

Best Tweet: @furnessmk


Day 18:  World Wonders

Best Post: @AradInfo – What one thing, when you see photos of it, make you just want to just pack your bags and go? All these photos do!

Best tweet: @surbhiarora330

Day 19: South America

Best Post: @philatravelgirlThe Magic of the Moai of Easter Island. These are some great photos of such majestic statues.
Best Tweet: @suzie_somewhere

Day 20: Africa Travel

Best Post: @travelnavywifeAfrica: Dream To Be More. This is an amazing post about the Lost Boys and the charity that made her fall in love with Africa.
Best Tweet: @AdlibTraveller

Day 21: Travel Plans for 2014

Best Post: @loismiddletonWalking the Camino with Janice. This is a beautiful and sad story, and we will be thinking of you during your pilgrimage this fall.
Best Tweet: @LooseBall00n

Day 22: Your Hometown – A 24 Hour Travel Guide

Best Post: @FreshAirTravelAmerica’s Caribbean Island. We still can’t believe this is your first post. We can’t wait to read more. And visit Key West!
Best Tweet: @serenity007

Day 23: Best Road Trip

Best Post: @trueblueginRoad Trip – The Ultimate Adventure With 8 Kids Under Age 16. “Four adults, eight juveniles and two little white dogs of indeterminate poodle lineage”. Awesome opening!
Best Tweet: @kaushiva

Day 24: Worst Accommodation

Best Post: @BurkhartAndreaBuddha Calling. Any hotel nicknamed “The Floral Breeze” HAS to have an interesting story behind it.

Best Tweet: @AmandaCLong

Day 25: Travel Photos

Best Post: @FilipachatillonTravel Photos. These are some unbelievably beautiful photos from her trips around the world!

Best Tweet: @yobecbec

Day 26: The Perfect Trip

Best Post: @womenontheroadMy Perfect Trip. All these trips sound perfect!

Best Tweet: @BoboandChichi

Day 27: Holidays Abroad

Best Post: @loismiddletonAre Birthday’s Considered Holidays? I Say Yes! And so do we. Your son is very lucky!

Best Tweet: @BoboandChichi

Day 28: Music and Travel

Best Post: @spankyandsarah – Melting into the Music: How Tunes Compliment Travel. Great explanation of how music and travel blend together.

Best Tweet: @Filipachatillon

Day 29: Design Your Own Hostel

Best Post: @travelnavywifeDesign the Perfect Hostel. We hope to be invited to the opening of this hostel!

Best Tweet: @womenontheroad

Day 30: Best Travel Advice

Best Post: @goingnomadicBest Advice I Ever Got. We love this advice. No regrets!

Best Tweet: @ManRuiTian

#Indie30 may be over, but you can always join in on the fun and use any of the 30 prompts as ideas for articles on your blog or website. Check out all prompts and each ‘best of’ roundup from the project:

Photo credits: Christopher Michel

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