Author: Dani Blanchette

Looking For Adventure

Search a Multi-Stop Route

This past month has been so much fun.  We’ve read a bunch of new blogs, made many new Twitter friends, and met a ton of amazing new people!   We love you all and have had so much fun working with you for the last 30 days.

For the last week (plus 2 days) of the 30 Days of Indie Travel Art Project, we asked you all to answer a final round of questions.  And again, you all sent us amazing answers!

Day 22: Write a 24 hour guide to your hometown (or town you live in now).

We got guides to a bunch of different places that, if we didn’t want to visit before, we definitely do now!

Day 23: What is the best road trip you’ve ever been on?

  • @MasterFrolicker tells us about her Italy to Morocco road trip (that sounds awesome!) and gives us links to a bunch of more posts about it (time to go do some reading).
  • While @loismiddleton tweets:
  • @kaushiva tweeted this crazy and amazing sounding roadtrip: 

Now that is a road-trip and a half! (PS:  Can we come with you?)

Day 24: Tell us a story (real or fake) set around the worst accomodations you’ve ever stayed in.

We got some crazy stories and tweets about this.  Some almost too vile to believe they are true.

Day 25:  Show us your travel photos!

Day 26: What is your idea of the perfect trip?

We got a lot of great responses for this.

  • @BoboandChichi’s perfect trip includes this:

Day 27: A time you celebrated a holiday abroad (or which holiday would you want to?)

Dat 28: What songs amp you to travel?

And we have a ton of great new music and videos to watch now!

(Love Freebird!)

  • and @Filipachatillon sent us a music video by a band called Calle 13 – whom I am now in love with.

Day 29: Design the perfect hostel.

We got super creative (and sometimes fantastical but hey, this is the PERFECT hostel, right?!) designs, full of photos and examples.

(We totally agree.  Kitties all around!)

Day 30: What is the best piece of travel advice you’ve received while traveling.

We heard so much great advice too.  What a way to send off such an amazing month!

  • @Seedbarkroot told us this: 

(Yes there is! )

We’ve had a great month hearing about all your travel adventures (and misadventures), learning about you, and making new friends. And speaking of new friends, we wanted to add in this tweet-pic of two of our Indie30 participants, @PudgysHuman and @loismiddleton, meeting and having brunch together:

We wish we were there!

So thank you all for participating in the 30 Days of Travel Art Project. Just because it’s officially over doesn’t mean we need to say goodbye! Join us this Wednesday at 12:30PST for the next #RTWChat on Twitter and stay tuned next week for a 30-Day roundup post (because we just can’t say goodbye yet either!)

Search a Multi-Stop Route