Author: Adam Seper

A Changing World View

Search a Multi-Stop Route

Prompt #1: How has your view of the world changed because of travel?

How: Respond to the prompt – through a blog post, picture, video, drawing, tweet, comment at the bottom of this article – however you want to express yourself. Then tweet and link your response @BootsnAll with the hashtag #indie30.
Week 1 theme: 
Getting to know you

There is one guiding question/prompt each day, followed by a series of questions, ideas, and comments meant to help you dig deeper. These aren’t meant to be answered directly, just to help (feel free to address any, all, or none of the guiding questions below).

How has your view of the world changed because of travel?

  • Did you once believe something about a place, to find out that you were totally wrong once you got there?  
  • Have you had any beliefs be reinforced?  
  • Are you no longer afraid of something?  
  • How has travel changed the way you look at things?   
  • If you haven’t traveled, what do you look forward to experiencing for the first time?
    • How do you hope travel affects you?  
  • Have you learned anything new when researching a place to visit?

Tools and inspiration: Each day we’ll add a few links having to do with that day’s topic. If you’re experiencing a creativity block, maybe these can give you a few ideas:

Week 1: Getting to Know You

Each week will have a different theme, and since the entire idea behind #Indie30 is to make meaningful connections with each other, every prompt this week will have to do with getting to know each other a little better by finding out more about we all travel.

How to participate

We’re inviting anyone from around the world who has a passion for long-term travel to participate in our month-long art project.

You can respond to each day’s prompt however you see fit – through a blog post, a photograph, a video, a painting, a tweet, a Facebook or G+ comment, commenting below – it’s completely up to you!

We’ll share our favorites each day on Twitter, Facebook, and Google +. At the end of each week we’ll round up our favorite responses and write a blog post linking to each.

Each Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 EST during April we’ll meld #RTWChat with #indie30. We invite anyone interested to join us to chat about that week’s topic.

It’s never too late to start – find out the nitty gritty details here!

30 Days of Indie Travel project


Search a Multi-Stop Route